Montag, 7. Dezember 2020

ROCE - community music at concerthouses in Germany

Thank you to ROCE (La Red de Organizadores de Conciertos Eduvativos), the Spanish association for education activities in concerts, for inviting me to talk at their annual conference on community music in concert halls in Germany. It was supposed to take place in Tenerife, but instead, because of COVID it takes place online In the talk I discuss my experiences in developing Community Music at the Munich Philharmonic Orchestra and the Konzerthaus Dortmund.

Freitag, 27. November 2020

Community Music Learning YouTube channel

I'm happy to share this new Community Music Learning YouTube channel with you, I have worked on this for the last few months with collegues from Canada (Prof. Lee Willingham), Ireland (Dr. Kathleen Turner) and the UK (Prof. Dr. Lee Higgins), and we keep developing it as an ongoing collaboration. It is a growing resource for community music researchers and practitioners.

Dienstag, 27. Oktober 2020

Community Music Winter School

I'm very excited to announce the Community Music Winter School's programme here, the event will take place from the 02.11.20 until the 04.11.2020 online on Zoom.

I collaborated with collegues from Canada (Prof.Dr.Lee Willingham), England (Prof. Dr. Lee Higgins), Ireland (Dr. Kahleen Turner) in creating this online conference, focussing on Community Music Research, funded by the German Academic Exchange Service and hosted by the catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt.

We have all created talks focussing on different aspects of research in community music, the talks are shared publicly on the Community Music Learning YouTube channel.

Donnerstag, 22. Oktober 2020

Action Research and the Community Music Action Research Group Video

Very pleased this is out now!
Check out the Community Music Learning Channel on YouTube!


Montag, 19. Oktober 2020

Open Access: FamilyLab's Community Music Dokumentation

The film and conference talk recordings, of the Munich Community Music Conference 2015, are now available online, open access here: 

Thank you Mathias Voelchert for investing and supporting this project!

Donnerstag, 1. Oktober 2020

Nice to get two parcels in the post in one day....

Another Italian book on Community Music, I am grateful to be in it (well done Antonella Coppi!):

And another one...

Montag, 21. September 2020

Review of The Development of Community Music in Germany

 Thank you Catherine Birch for this review of my book:

"A new book review is available. Catherine Birch has reviewed Alicia de Banffy-Hall's The development of community music in Munich. Catherine writes that the book is a deep insight into the development of community music in Munich and she compares it with her own experience in the UK. Full review at the link here."

Sonntag, 20. September 2020

Italian book on Community Music

Congratulations Dr. Antonella Coppi for her second Italian book on Community Music - I'm happy to be part of this one too with a chapter on Community Music in higher education in Germany.

Dienstag, 19. Mai 2020

Anmeldeschluss für den MA inklusive Musikpädagogik/Community Music: 01.06.2020

Anmeldeschluss für den MA inklusive Musikpädagogik/Community Music 01.06.2020
Mehr Infos hier!

Samstag, 9. Mai 2020

Lasst es raus - über die neue Sangeslust

Horst Konietzny has created a radio feature about crowd singing in Germany and interviewed me as part of his research, it was shared on Bayern 2, you can listen to it here.

Editorial Board Transform - New Voices in Community Music Journal 2020

Thank you Dr. Fran Marnane for inviting me to be a member of the editorial board for the 2020 edition of Transform - New Voices in Community Music Journal!

Donnerstag, 26. März 2020

Terzwerk Interview

Thank you Samuel Binder-Köhrer from Terzwerk, for the short interview with me about the Community Music Programme at the Konzerthaus Dortmund.