Interesting links

- Diskriminierungskritische Perspektiven an der Schnittstelle von Bildung und Kunst: eine exzellente Resource - sehr zu empfehlen!
Community Music am Konzerthaus Dortmund
Film about the 2015 Munich community music conference
- Community Music Salons Munich
I am happy to support the Community Music Salons Munich, the Community Music Network in Munich! If you want to join the network, please email Marie Karaisl, the coordinator of the network:
DVD with presentations of the Community Music Conference 2015 (talks by Lee Higgins, Brydie Bartleet, Don Coffman, Lee Willingham, Burkhard Hill...)
- Masterstudiengang Inklusive Musikpädagogik/Community Music an der Katholischen Universität Eichstätt/Ingolstadt
- Community Music at the Munich Philharmonic Orchestra

- International Society of Music Education Community Music Activity Commission
International Centre for Community Music at York St. John University, UK
Transform: New Voices in Community Music Journal
Community Music in Italy, Free University of Bozen, Italy
- Community Music Network in the UK: Sound Sense

Suggested Reading:
Matarasso, F. (2019) A restless art: How participation won and why it matters.
Bartleet, B. and Higgins, L. (eds) (2018) The Oxford Handbook of Community Music, Oxford University Press.
Higgins, L. and Willingham, L. (2017) Engaging in Community Music, Routledge.
Hill, B. and de Banffy-Hall, A. (2017) Community Music: Beiträge zur Theorie und Praxis aus internationaler und deutscher Perspektive, Waxmann.
Higgins, L. (2012) Community Music in theory and practice, Oxford University Press.